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Created by Chau Tran Evgeniy OZ

createEffect is a standalone version of NgRx ComponentStore Effect

In short, createEffect creates a callable function that accepts some data (imperative) or some stream of data (declarative), or none at all.

import { createEffect } from 'ngxtension/create-effect';


export class Some {
log = createEffect<number>(
map((value) => value * 2),
tap(console.log.bind(console, 'double is -->')),
ngOnInit() {
// start the effect

Injection Context

createEffect accepts an optional Injector so we can call createEffect outside of an Injection Context.

export class Some {
// 1. setup an Input; we know that Input isn't resolved in constructor
@Input() multiplier = 2;
// 2. grab the Injector
private injector = inject(Injector);
ngOnInit() {
// 3. create log effect in ngOnInit; where Input is resolved
const log = createEffect<number>(
map((value) => value * this.multiplier),
tap(console.log.bind(console, 'multiply is -->')),
// 4. pass in the injector
{ injector: this.injector },
// 5. start the effect

Resubscribe on errors

By default, createEffect() will re-subscribe on errors, using retry() operator.
This behavior can be configured or turned off, using optional second argument:

export class Example {
// Will not resubscribe on error
private loadProducts = createEffect<string>(
(_) => _.pipe(switchMap((id) => this.api.loadProducts(id))),
{ retryOnError: false },
// Will resubscribe on error with a delay, not more than 3 times
private loadProducts = createEffect<string>(
(_) => _.pipe(switchMap((id) => this.api.loadProducts(id))),
{ retryOnError: { count: 3, delay: 500 } },