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Created by Enea Jahollari

injectQueryParams is a helper function that allows us to inject query params from the current route as a signal.

Having query params as a signal helps in a modern angular signals based architecture.


import { injectQueryParams } from 'ngxtension/inject-query-params';


Get all query params

injectQueryParams when it’s called, returns a signal with the current query params.

import { injectQueryParams } from 'ngxtension/inject-query-params';
template: '<div>{{queryParams() | json}}</div>',
class TestComponent {
queryParams = injectQueryParams();

Or, if we want to transform the query params, we can pass a function to injectQueryParams.

import { injectQueryParams } from 'ngxtension/inject-query-params';
class TestComponent {
queryParamsKeys = injectQueryParams((params) => Object.keys(params)); // returns a signal with all keys of the query params
allQueryParamsArePassed = computed(() => {
const keys = this.queryParamsKeys();
return ['search', 'sort', 'page'].every((x) => keys.includes(x));

Get a single value

If we want to get the value for a specific query param, we can pass the name of the query param to injectQueryParams.

// Example url: /users?search=nartc
import { injectQueryParams } from 'ngxtension/inject-query-params';
template: `
Search results for: {{ searchParam() }}
@for (user of filteredUsers()) {
<div>{{ }}</div>
} @empty {
<div>No users!</div>
class TestComponent {
searchParam = injectQueryParams('search'); // returns a signal with the value of the search query param
filteredUsers = derivedAsync(
() => this.userService.getUsers(this.searchParam() ?? ''),
{ initialValue: [] },

If we want to additional transform the value into any shape, we can pass a transform function.

// Example url: /users?pageNumber=1
import { injectQueryParams } from 'ngxtension/inject-query-params';
template: `
Page number: {{ pageNumber() }} Multiplied number: {{ multipliedNumber() }}
class TestComponent {
pageNumber = injectQueryParams('pageNumber', { transform: numberAttribute });
multipliedNumber = computed(() => this.pageNumber() * 2);

If we want to use a default value if there is no value, we can pass a initialValue.

// Example urls producing the same output: "/users?search=nartc", "/users"
import { injectQueryParams } from 'ngxtension/inject-query-params';
template: `
Search results for: {{ searchParam() }}
@for (user of filteredUsers()) {
<div>{{ }}</div>
} @empty {
<div>No users!</div>
class TestComponent {
// returns a signal with the value of the search query param or '' if not provided.
searchParam = injectQueryParams('search', { initialValue: 'nartc' });
filteredUsers = derivedAsync(
() => this.userService.getUsers(this.searchParam()),
{ initialValue: [] },

Get an array value

If we want to get the values for a specific query param, we can pass the name of the query param, to injectQueryParams.array.

// Example url: /search?products=Angular&products=Analog
import { injectQueryParams } from 'ngxtension/inject-query-params';
template: `
Selected products: {{ productNames() }}
@for (product of products(); track {
<div>{{ }}</div>
} @empty {
<div>No products!</div>
class TestComponent {
productService = inject(ProductService);
// returns a signal with the array values of the product query param
productNames = injectQueryParams.array('products');
products = derivedAsync(
() => this.productService.getByNames(this.productNames()),
{ initialValue: [] },

If we want to additional transform the values into any shape, we can pass a transform function.

// Example url: /search?productIds=Angular&productIds=Analog
import { injectQueryParams } from 'ngxtension/inject-query-params';
template: `
Selected products: {{ productIds() }}
@for (product of products(); track {
<div>{{ }}</div>
} @empty {
<div>No products!</div>
class TestComponent {
productService = inject(ProductService);
// returns a signal with the array values of the product query param and transform each value
productIds = injectQueryParams.array('productIds', {
transform: numberAttribute,
products = derivedAsync(
() => this.productService.getByIds(this.productIds()),
{ initialValue: [] },

If we want to use a default value if there are no values, we can pass a initialValue.

// Example urls producing the same output: "/search?products=Angular", "/search"
import { injectQueryParams } from 'ngxtension/inject-query-params';
template: `
Selected products: {{ productNames() }}
@for (product of products(); track {
<div>{{ }}</div>
} @empty {
<div>No products!</div>
class TestComponent {
productService = inject(ProductService);
// returns a signal with the array values of the product query param or 'Angular' if the user provides none
productNames = injectQueryParams.array('products', {
initialValue: ['Angular'],
products = derivedAsync(
() => this.productService.getByNames(this.productNames()),
{ initialValue: [] },