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Created by Daniele Morosinotto


import { mapSkipUndefined } from 'ngxtension/map-skip-undefined';


You can use it as a normal map operator, but with the ability to skip some values: returning undefined (explicit or implicit).

import { from } from 'rxjs';
import { mapSkipUndefined } from 'ngxtension/map-skip-undefined';
const in$ = from([1, 42, 3]);
const out$ = in$.pipe(
mapSkipUndefined((n) => {
if (n % 2) return String(n * 2);
//else return undefined // <-- this is the same as not returning anything!
//In either case the even value is filtered out
); //infer Observable<string>
out$.subscribe(console.log); // logs: 2, 6

Bonus: filterUndefined

If you need to filter out undefined value from and Observable stream you can use the filterUndefined operator.


import { filterUndefined } from 'ngxtension/map-skip-undefined';
const source$ = of(null, undefined, 42);
const filtered$ = source$.pipe(filterUndefined()); //emit only null and 42