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Created by Chau Tran


First you need to install the package

Terminal window
npm i @use-gesture/vanilla

There are various ways we can utilize the Gesture from ngxtension/gestures

The examples show using NgxDrag, for DragGesture, but they can apply to other gestures as well.


import { NgxDrag, type NgxInjectDrag } from 'ngxtension/gestures';

NgxDrag is a directive that we can use to attach on any element to capture that element’s drag events.

<div class="draggable-box" (ngxDrag)="onDrag($event)">
<!-- content -->

As hostDirective

We can also use NgxDrag on a Host element by leveraging hostDirectives

selector: 'app-draggable-box',
standalone: true,
hostDirectives: [{ directive: NgxDrag, outputs: ['ngxDrag'] }],
template: ``,
export class DraggableBox {
@HostListener('ngxDrag', ['$event'])
onDrag(state: NgxInjectDrag['state']) {
// fire every time a drag event happens


Another way of enabling Drag Gesture is to use the CIF injectDrag.

selector: 'app-draggable-box',
standalone: true,
template: ``,
export class DraggableBox {
constructor() {
injectDrag((state) => {
// fire every time a drag event happens

With that in mind, the true power of injectDrag is the ease of composing different behaviors on top of Drag Gesture. For example, we can have a CIF that both enables Drag Gesture and returns a Signal<Vector2> that can trigger other effects.

export function injectDragPosition() {
const position = signal<Vector2>([0, 0]);
injectDrag(({ offset }) => {
return position.asReadonly();


  • For NgxDrag, we can provide a config object via [ngxDragConfig] Input.
  • For injectDrag, we can provide a config Signal<DragConfig> (or a Function that returns DragConfig) in the 2nd argument
    injectDrag(dragHandler, {
    config: () => dragConfig,


Drag Gesture is enabled inside of Zone by default.

  • For NgxDrag, we can go into zoneless mode via [ngxDragZoneless] Input.
  • For injectDrag, we can go into zoneless mode via zoneless option in the 2nd argument
    injectDrag(dragHandler, { zoneless: true });

Global Zoneless

Additionally, we can allow all gestures in a certain component tree to automatically opt-in to zoneless mode by calling provideZonelessGesture()

// application wise
bootstrapApplication(App, { providers: [provideZonelessGesture()] });
// route provider
const routes = [
path: '',
providers: [provideZonelessGesture()],
// component provider
providers: [provideZonelessGesture()],
export class MyComponent {}