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Created by Evgeniy OZ

toObservableSignal() combines the functionality of Angular Signal and RxJS Observable.

This function uses toObservable() from @angular/core/rxjs-interop under the hood, so it should be called in an injection context, or the injector should be passed as the second argument (options).

import { toObservableSignal } from 'ngxtension/to-observable-signal';


selector: 'my-app',
standalone: true,
imports: [CommonModule],
template: `
<h2>Signal A: {{ a() }}</h2>
<h2>Observable A: {{ a | async }}</h2>
<h2>Observable B (A*2): {{ b | async }}</h2>
<h2>Signal C (A*3): {{ c() }}</h2>
export class App {
a = toObservableSignal(signal<number>(0));
b = this.a.pipe(
switchMap((v) => {
return of(v * 2);
c = computed(() => this.a() * 3);
constructor() {
setInterval(() => this.a.set(1), 10000);
setInterval(() => this.a.update((v) => v + 1), 1000);

toObservableSignal() accepts a Signal or WritableSignal as the first argument.
The second argument is optional - it is a ToObservableOptions object, which is the exact type used by toObservable(). Here, you can set the injector.