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New output() Migration

Created by Enea Jahollari

In Angular v17.3, the new output() was released. The new output() function aligns better with the new input() and pave the road for signal components. This is the reason why ngxtension publishes schematics that handles the code migration for you.

How it works?

The moment you run the schematics, it will look for all the decorators that have outputs and convert them to function based outputs.

  • It will keep the same name for the outputs.
  • It will keep the same types.
  • It will keep the same alias if it’s present.
  • It will also convert Outputs that are used with observables and not with EventEmitter.


Normal output:


@Output() change = new EventEmitter<string>();


change = output<string>();

Output with alias:


@Output('change') changeAlias = new EventEmitter<string>();


change = output<string>({ alias: 'change' });

Output with observable:


someObservable$ = of('test');
@Output() change = this.someObservable$;


change = outputFromObservable(this.someObservable$);

Output with Subject or BehaviorSubject:


@Output() someSubject = new Subject<string>();


someSubject = new Subject<string>();
_someSubject = outputFromObservable(this.someSubject, { alias: 'someSubject' });


In order to run the schematics for all the project in the app you have to run the following script:

Terminal window
ng g ngxtension-plugin:convert-outputs

If you want to specify the project name you can pass the --project param.

Terminal window
ng g ngxtension-plugin:convert-outputs --project=<project-name>

If you want to run the schematic for a specific component or directive you can pass the --path param.

Terminal window
ng g ngxtension-plugin:convert-outputs --path=<path-to-ts-file>

Usage with Nx

To use the schematics on a Nx monorepo you just swap ng with nx


Terminal window
nx g ngxtension-plugin:convert-outputs --project=<project-name>