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Created by Enea Jahollari

signalHistory is a helper function that allows you to track the history of a signal and provides undo/redo functionality.

import { signalHistory } from 'ngxtension/signal-history';


signalHistory needs a signal as an argument and returns an object with the following properties:

  • history: A signal that represents the history of the source signal.
  • undo: A function that undoes the last change to the source signal.
  • redo: A function that redoes the last undone change to the source signal.
  • reset: A function that resets the history to the current state.
  • clear: A function that clears the history.
  • canUndo: A signal that indicates if undo is possible.
  • canRedo: A signal that indicates if redo is possible.
template: `
<h2>Source: {{ source() | json }}</h2>
<button (click)="source.set(1)">Set 1</button>
<button (click)="source.set(2)">Set 2</button>
<button (click)="source.set(3)">Set 3</button>
<button (click)="sourceHistory.reset()">Reset</button>
<button (click)="sourceHistory.clear()">Clear</button>
<pre>{{ sourceHistory.history() | json }}</pre>
class TestComponent {
readonly source = signal(0);
readonly sourceHistory = signalHistory(this.source);

You can pass custom options to the function.

class TestComponent implements OnInit {
private injector = inject(Injector);
readonly source = signal(0);
ngOnInit() {
const history = signalHistory(this.source, {
capacity: 1000, // The default capacity is 100 records
injector: this.injector,

Should Record

You can pass a shouldRecord function to the signalHistory function.

class TestComponent {
readonly source = signal<string[]>([]);
readonly sourceHistory = signalHistory(this.source, {
// Only record changes to the length of the array
shouldRecord: (value, oldValue) => value.length !== oldValue.length,