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Created by Enea Jahollari

linkedQueryParam - Two-way binding for query parameters

The linkedQueryParam utility function creates a signal that is linked to a query parameter in the URL. This allows you to easily keep your Angular application’s state in sync with the URL, making it easier to share and bookmark specific views.

Key Features:

  • Two-way binding: Changes to the signal are reflected in the URL, and changes to the URL are reflected in the signal.
  • Parsing and stringification: You can provide functions to parse the query parameter value when reading it from the URL and stringify it when writing it to the URL.
  • Built-in parsers: The library provides built-in parsers for common data types, such as numbers and booleans.
  • Default values: You can provide a default value to be used if the query parameter is not present in the URL.
  • Coalesced updates: Multiple updates to the signal within the same browser task are coalesced into a single URL update, improving performance.
  • Supports Navigation Extras: The function supports navigation extras like queryParamsHandling, onSameUrlNavigation, replaceUrl, and skipLocationChange.
  • Testable: The function is easy to test thanks to its reliance on Angular’s dependency injection system.


Here’s a basic example of how to use linkedQueryParam:

import { Component, inject } from '@angular/core';
import { linkedQueryParam } from 'ngxtension/linked-query-param';
template: `
<p>Page: {{ currentPage() }}</p>
<button (click)="currentPage.set(currentPage() + 1)">Next Page</button>
export class MyComponent {
readonly currentPage = linkedQueryParam('page', {
parse: (value) => parseInt(value ?? '1', 10),

In this example, the page signal is linked to the page query parameter. The parse function ensures that the value is always a number, defaulting to 1 if the parameter is not present or cannot be parsed. Clicking the “Next Page” button increments the page signal, which in turn updates the URL to /search?page=2, /search?page=3, and so on.

Parsing and Stringification

You can provide parse and stringify functions to transform the query parameter value between the URL and the signal. This is useful for handling different data types, such as booleans, numbers, and objects.

export class MyCmp {
// Parse a boolean query parameter
showHidden = linkedQueryParam('showHidden', {
parse: (value) => value === 'true',
stringify: (value) => (value ? 'true' : 'false'),
// Parse a number query parameter
count = linkedQueryParam('count', {
parse: (value) => parseInt(value ?? '0', 10),
stringify: (value) => value.toString(),
// Parse an object query parameter
filter = linkedQueryParam('filter', {
parse: (value) => JSON.parse(value ?? '{}'),
stringify: (value) => JSON.stringify(value),
// Parse an array query parameter
selectedCategoriesIds = linkedQueryParam<string[]>('selectedCategoriesIds', {
parse: (value) => value?.split(',').map((x) => x.trim()) ?? [],
stringify: (value) => value.join(','),

NOTE: Make sure to put the stringify fn after the parse fn in order for types to work correctly.

Default Values

You can provide a defaultValue to be used if the query parameter is not present in the URL.

// Default to page 1
page = linkedQueryParam('page', {
defaultValue: 1,

Note: You cannot use both defaultValue and parse at the same time. If you need to parse the value and provide a default, use the parse function to handle both cases.

Built-in Parsers

The ngxtension library provides some built-in parsers for common data types:

  • paramToNumber: Parses a number from a string.
  • paramToBoolean: Parses a boolean from a string.
export class MyDataComponent {
// Parse a number query parameter, defaults to null if the param is not available
readonly page = linkedQueryParam('page', {
parse: paramToNumber(),
readonly pageWithDefault = linkedQueryParam('page', {
// Default to 1 if the param is not available
parse: paramToNumber({ defaultValue: 1 }),
// Parse a boolean query parameter with a default value of false
readonly showHidden = linkedQueryParam('showHidden', {
parse: paramToBoolean(false),

Handling Null and Undefined Values

The linkedQueryParam function handles null and undefined values gracefully. If the query parameter is not present in the URL, the signal will be initialized with null. You can also set the signal to null to remove the query parameter from the URL.

These will work the same as using them on the navigate() method of the Router.

You can either provide the navigation extras in the options param in the linkedQueryParam function, or you can use the provideLinkedQueryParamConfig function to provide the navigation extras either in a component (recommended) or globally.

  • queryParamsHandling

You can specify how to handle query parameters when updating the URL.


  • merge (default): default behavior that will merge current params with new ones
  • preserve: won’t update to the new params
  • '': removes all other params except this one

Example usage:

page = linkedQueryParam('page', {
queryParamsHandling: '',
  • skipLocationChange

When true, navigates without pushing a new state into history. If you want to navigate back to the previous query param using back button or browser back button, this will break that feature, because changes on the query params won’t be registered in the browser history.

page = linkedQueryParam('page', {
skipLocationChange: true,
  • replaceUrl

You can specify whether to replace the current URL in the browser’s history or push a new entry.

const page = linkedQueryParam('page', { replaceUrl: true });

With provideLinkedQueryParamConfig

In the example below, the preserveFragment option will be set to true for all the linkedQueryParam function usages in the component (and its children).

import { provideLinkedQueryParamConfig } from 'ngxtension/linked-query-param';
providers: [provideLinkedQueryParamConfig({ preserveFragment: true })],
export class MyComponent {
readonly searchQuery = linkedQueryParam('searchQuery');
readonly page = linkedQueryParam('page');

Examples of usage

  • Usage with template driven forms & resource API
selector: 'app-todos',
template: `
<form #ngForm="ngForm">
In order to not update the url on every keystroke,
we update it only on submit (when user presses Enter).
Also, set the currentPage to 1 in order to search on a page that doesn't exist.
[ngModelOptions]="{ updateOn: 'submit' }"
placeholder="Search todos"
<select [(ngModel)]="status" name="status">
<option value="">All</option>
<option value="completed">Completed</option>
<option value="active">Active</option>
<input [(ngModel)]="limit" type="number" name="limit" />
<input [(ngModel)]="page" type="number" name="page" />
<button type="submit" hidden>Submit</button>
@if (todos.isLoading()) {
@if (todos.error()) {
<div>Error: {{ todos.error() }}</div>
@for (todo of todos.value(); track {
(ngModelChange)="updateTodo(, $event)"
{{ todo.title }}
imports: [FormsModule],
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class TodosComponent {
private http = inject(HttpClient);
search = linkedQueryParam('search');
status = linkedQueryParam('status');
limit = linkedQueryParam('limit', {
parse: paramToNumber({ defaultValue: 10 }),
page = linkedQueryParam('page', {
parse: paramToNumber({ defaultValue: 1 }),
todos = rxResource({
request: () => ({
status: this.status(),
limit: this.limit(),
loader: ({ request }) => {
return this.http.get<Todo[]>(
params: {
_search: ?? '',
_status: request.status ?? '',
_per_page: request.limit,
updateTodo(id: number, completed: boolean) {
this.todos.value.update((todos) => {
if (!todos) return [];
return => ({
completed: === id ? completed : x.completed,
interface Todo {
id: number;
title: string;
completed: boolean;