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Created by Krzysztof Kachniarz

injectRouteData is a helper function that allows us to inject data from the current route as a signal.

Having route data as a signal helps in a modern angular signals based architecture.

import { injectRouteData } from 'ngxtension/inject-route-data';


injectRouteData when is called, returns a signal with the current route data.

standalone: true,
template: '<div>{{routeData() | json}}</div>',
class TestComponent {
routeData = injectRouteData();

If we want to get the value for a specific key, we can pass the name of the object key to injectRouteData.

template: `
<div>{{ details().name }}</div>
<div>{{ details().description }}</div>
class TestComponent {
details = injectRouteData('details'); // returns a signal with the value of the details key in route data object

Or, if we want to transform the data, we can pass a function to injectRouteData.

class TestComponent {
routeDataKeys = injectRouteData((data) => Object.keys(data)); // returns a signal with the keys of the route data object