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Created by Enea Jahollari

This injector provides a reactive local storage management system using Angular’s dependency injection and reactivity model. This API allows for easy integration and manipulation of local storage with real-time synchronization across browser tabs.



  • Description: Token for the local storage service, allowing for custom implementations to be provided.
  • Factory Default: Uses the browser’s localStorage.

Function: provideLocalStorageImpl

  • Parameters:
    • impl: A custom implementation of the localStorage interface.
  • Returns: An Angular provider object that uses the given implementation.

Type: LocalStorageOptions<T>

Options to configure the behavior of the local storage signal.

  • Fields:
    • defaultValue: The default value used if the key is not present in local storage. It can be a direct value or a function returning a value.
    • storageSync: If set to true, synchronizes data across browser tabs. Defaults to true.
    • stringify: A custom function to serialize stored data. Defaults to JSON.stringify.
    • parse: A custom function to deserialize stored data. Defaults to a function handling JSON parsing with support for undefined.
    • injector: Optional custom injector for dependency resolution.

Function: injectLocalStorage

  • Parameters:
    • key: The local storage key under which data is stored.
    • options: Configuration options of type LocalStorageOptions.
  • Returns: A WritableSignal representing the state of the local storage item. Updates to this signal are reflected in local storage and vice versa if storageSync is true.


  1. Injecting Custom Local Storage: Use provideLocalStorageImpl to override the default local storage implementation if necessary.

  2. Creating a Local Storage Signal: Use injectLocalStorage to create a reactive local storage signal. Configure behavior with LocalStorageOptions.

  3. Responding to Changes: Local storage changes reflect automatically in the signal if storageSync is enabled, and vice versa. Use the signal in your Angular components to reactively update the UI based on local storage data.


Here’s a basic example of using injectLocalStorage:

const username = injectLocalStorage<string>('username');
username.set('John Doe');
username.update((username) => 'Guest ' + username);
effect(() => {
// Use `username` in your component to get or set the username stored in local storage.
// The value might be null or undefined if default value is not provided.

Fallback value can be provided using the defaultValue option:

const username = injectLocalStorage<string>('username', {
defaultValue: 'Guest',
// If the key 'username' is not present in local storage, the default value 'Guest' will be used.

Storage synchronization can be enabled using the storageSync option:

const username = injectLocalStorage<string>('username', {
storageSync: true,
// Changes to the local storage will be reflected across browser tabs.